LiveWell! Northern WI is part of a larger innovative, holistic mental health project created to support those of you who are living, working and attending school in Douglas County.
This work started in January 2022, when the Miller-Dwan Foundation and the University of Wisconsin-Superior came together to identify innovative ways to address the current mental health crisis experienced not only by our residents but by many of the professionals who are charged directly or indirectly with the physical and mental well-being of others (teachers, therapists, etc.).
To stop this spreading crisis and support the mental health and well-being of our residents and students, we need to look for new opportunities, partnerships and ideas.
This work is being driven by the Douglas County Mental Health Core Team which includes representatives from UW-Superior, Essentia Health St. Mary’s Hospital- Superior, Superior School District, Amberwing, and the Miller-Dwan Foundation. This planning process, funded by the Miller-Dwan Foundation, which has spanned months is being led by a Facilitation Team consisting of Chrissy Barnard (NAMI Lake Superior South Shore), Kennedy Fenster, Laurel Eaton, and Lynn Goerdt (UW-Superior).
#BetterTogether activities are mini-activities that allow people to spend time together in a way that inspires joy and wellness and builds connection. Our goal is to have an activity scheduled most days of the week in every part of Douglas County.
Check out our calendar to host an activity, attend activities, and meet new people!
Gatekeeper Trainings
Gatekeeper Trainings are short (1.5 hours) trainings for those we’ve identified as important mental health gatekeepers. They are leaders of organized youth activities, supervisors and leaders in at-risk professions (construction, etc.), and other trusted persons who engage in regular conversation with the public (hair stylists, barbers, bartenders, etc.). The training will include suicide prevention, mental health awareness, the importance of maintaining connection during a time of injury, and how to refer to resources.
This effort is supported by the Miller‐Dwan Foundation, Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, Essentia Health St. Mary’s Hospital- Superior, University of Wisconsin-Superior and numerous other community partners.